Information & Guidelines
Many of your questions about working with me can be answered here. You will find information and guidelines to help make our work together flow smoothly.
This page can be accessed from your confirmation and reminder emails.
Before a Session
Prior to your session, please take the time to think about the issue(s) or area(s) of your life that you would like to focus on. Write them down and bring them to your session. You may also email this to me ahead of time.
There is often information you will wish to review after your session so please be prepared to take notes. Make sure that you are hydrated and have some water handy for during your session.
During a Session
Please be in a quiet, comfortable environment where you will not be interrupted and ready to begin on time. The session will begin with discussion of your goal for the session. Keep in mind that it is not required that you have a specific goal as your guides always know what is ready to be worked on next.
It is important that you are comfortable and remain still for the duration of the session. Your focused participation makes a huge difference in your session. You will get out of it what you put into it.
After a Session
Since everyone experiences energy differently, each person's session will be a unique experience. Sessions are typically gentle, deeply relaxing and extremely powerful. Most clients feel lighter, more focused, clear, balanced and very peaceful after a session.
Clearing and healing continue even after the session ends. It is possible to feel tired, experience emotions or release toxins as old dense energies are released.
If more is coming up and it feels uncomfortable that is great, as we clear layers more will rise to the surface and a variety of emotions may arise as you begin to awaken and clear the patterns and layers.
I recommend drinking plenty of water, eating healthy foods, some gentle exercise and proper rest in the days following a session.
Make notes about how you feel and what the situations are, how things are different and what triggers are stimulated and we can deal with them at your next session. Many find it valuable to journal the insights they receive from sessions.
If there are questions after the conclusion of your session, feel free to contact me. Some questions may be handled easily by email while for others a Follow Up session may be more appropriate.
The conscious mind work assigned after a session is an important part of the process. This may consist of releasing statements, affirmations or visualizations designed to support the session.
Conscious Mind Work
Clearing only takes you so far. The conscious mind work (homework) that comes through to support your session is part of what helps the shift and transformation.
The releasing statements and affirmations often recommended as conscious mind work, are clearing and healing as you work with them, and you may or may not feel anything when you are repeating them. Keep in mind that they are not meant to make you feel a specific way or relieve symptoms, but to continue the work of your session and ground it.
Missed Sessions
It happens, but no need to panic. If I am unable to reach you at the time of your session, I wait a few minutes in case you are running late and then get started. I proceed with your session as though you are there. Our sessions are guided, so whether you are there are not, the session unfolds for your highest healing.
You will receive an email with your homework and a summary of the session. If you have questions about your session or need clarification, you can schedule a Follow Up session.
Payment is handled at the time the session is scheduled. I accept credit cards and PayPal payments.
Refunds and Cancellation
There will be no refunds for missed sessions, cancellations or changes with less than 48 hours notice. Please use the cancel or reschedule links provided in your session confirmation and reminder emails, or call Kathryn directly at 732-609-2401.
Join My Facebook Group
This is a private group for my clients and students. The purpose is to provide more access and interaction through live postings and videos, where I can answer questions, share information, meditations and healing, to support you between sessions and help you stay motivated in your daily healing practice.
Medical Disclaimer
If you have a medical condition or an illness please continue your treatment under medical supervision. Information offered on this website and the distance healing services offered by Kathryn Rose Vibrational Healing are not a substitution for medical diagnosis or care.
Schedule a free 20 minute consultation. Find out how my sessions and programs can help you with your healing goals. No pressure or obligation.