Opening to Change

Health is a condition of body, mind and soul. Often we are only addressing the physical body. We have to heal at all levels of our being. If we don’t, something is always going to be off and we’re not going to feel the wholeness and wellness that we are seeking.

"I can't???????????????." 

Are you ready, willing, able and open to change?

Jumpstart ??

you want change but something is stopping you from getting started

video sessions designed to get you ready for change.

Sometimes we really want or need something to change but we can't get started. we're not ready for a private session or to really take stock and see the direction we need tp go or what we have to work on. 

No worries, this 4 session series is designed to help you clear what is keeping you from being ready, willing, able and open to change (at all).

Do in the privacy of your home , at your own pace. These sessions will ??? clear the blocks and allow you to recalibrate and open up to being ready for change or for your next thought, insight, etc.

adjust HWR make sure the 4 unwillingness programs are included
3 session series of videos that htey do 1x/week for three weeks and then 1 week of ingtegration only. homework each day is to connect ot HS and receive each day plus whatevver ahomework. 
at the end of the 3r session they need a stmt I am now ready willing opne to changeetc.
$125 for3 sessions???
how long would they be anbel to access the recordings and how - set up in Chris funnel?
would there be a time frame they should do the work within? 

1 blocks to octaves -ready willing healing angels energy flow of manifestation?
2 emotional blocks -divine will energies to them their relationship with chage, the blocks to change and investments in not changing
3 brain restructuring - able some kind of healing  for body???/brain and moving body/mind into partneership with them???
open?? declaraion and releasing staemente open to change its; a choice 
4 self love. self acceptance dont think i need this

healing angels
alignment call to work on GS and sp healing principles - spr principles 30 min

The energy we create and store from our thoughts, beliefs and experiences either facilitates our healing or interferes with it and sometimes even blocks us from healing altogether.

. You move forward with clarity and confidence, feeling empowered to make positive changes.

2 month program 4 sessions spaced every 2 weeks
they give you a good foundation for change.
Clear blocks teh most common blocks that get in the weay of being open to change.
1 clear to RWA-working with guidance
2 Peace and partnership with body
3 disconnect from Powerlessnes
4 Clear blocks to Self love


Our ??????????????. 


Schedule a free 20 minute consultation. Find out how my sessions and programs can help you with your healing goals. No pressure or obligation.

Kathryn Rose Vibrational Healing

44 Monmouth Rd.
Eatontown, NJ 07724, US

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